Monday, October 15, 2007


In the last few days, Samantha has become interested in punctuation. I think this is an outgrowth of her interest in shapes. When we read books together, she points at the periods and says "circle" for each one. Today she started doing that with the dots on top of lower case i's and j's too. Exclamation points are "spoons," which took me a few minutes to figure out. I'd never thought of it before, but they do look a little like spoons!

Sweet Tooth

Samantha has finally discovered .... dessert! One of her classmates turned 2 last week, and he brought in homemade cupcakes with chocolate frosting. Mantha was the first one to finish her cupcake and climbed onto the table to grab a second one, according to her teachers. When she was done with that one, she apparently tried to talk another kid out of his cupcake. I'm not sure how successful that was, but there was plenty of chocolate frosting on her outfit when I picked her up from school! After rejecting her birthday cake and, more recently, chocolate chip cookies, I am relieved that she might be my daughter after all.