Samantha discovered a fantastic new toy on our recent trip to the Bay Area -- the mini stroller. She was so enamored with Molly's stroller that the girls couldn't work out a sharing arrangement, resulting in several tantrums when it was taken away. She discovered Madelein's stroller the next day in San Francisco and pushed it in countless circles in a living room-playroom-kitchen-dining room-entryway loop.
So, our first order of business upon returning to South Pasadena was to get Mantha a stroller of her own.
She was overjoyed and loaded up some of her best friends for a ride. Later in the day we took it outside for a test run to the park, where she had some trouble strolling on grass. Now instead of reading books first thing in the morning, she hunts for the stroller to give someone a ride. We have also learned to look in the seat for missing objects, such as Mark's keys. (I realize she doesn't exactly look "overjoyed" in these pictures, but she's just concentrating on doing a good job strolling her charges around the neighborhood.)